Thousand Islands & Upper Canada Village 1 Day
Departure DatePrice per person
Regular price$99.99
2025-06-21 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-06-24 (Tuesday)$99.99
2025-06-28 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-07-05 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-07-06 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-07-10 (Thursday)$99.99
2025-07-12 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-07-13 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-07-17 (Thursday)$99.99
2025-07-19 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-07-20 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-07-24 (Thursday)$99.99
2025-07-26 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-07-27 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-07-31 (Thursday)$99.99
2025-08-02 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-08-03 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-08-07 (Thursday)$99.99
2025-08-09 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-08-10 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-08-14 (Thursday)$99.99
2025-08-16 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-08-17 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-08-21 (Thursday)$99.99
2025-08-23 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-08-24 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-08-28 (Thursday)$99.99
2025-08-30 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-08-31 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-09-06 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-09-07 (Sunday)$99.99
2025-09-13 (Saturday)$99.99
2025-09-14 (Sunday)$99.99
* Price per person in Canadian dollars.


  • Tour Leader (English/French/Chinese)
  • Transportation (Coach)
  • Taxes and FICAV (the client's contribution to the Indemnity Fund amounting to $3.5 per $1,000 of travel services purchased)
  • Free change of passenger's name


  •     The industry suggests: Service Charge (for Driver & Tour Leader): $9/adult per day, $7(0-11 yrs)/child per day    
  •     Entrance fees    
  •     personal consumption    
  •     Meals (lunch & diner)    
  •     Travel insurance    
Choose a departure date

Choose a departure place
Type of Room Number of Travelers Price
$9999 /person $0

Total CAD $0

 Entry tickets

Thousand Islands Cruise (Ivy Lea Port: April 13-October 27, 2024)
AdultChild (3-12years)Baby (0-2years)Youth (13-16years)Senior (65+)
Upper Canada Village
AdultChild (5-12years)Baby (0-4years)Youth (13-18years)Senior(65+)

 Special Notes

** Admission tickets bought through sellers other than Voyages Polaris are not applicable.
